Government of NCT of Delhi V. Union of India
INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND OF JUDGEMENT Drawing the curtains on an eight-year-long legal battle between the Delhi government and the Centre.…
Meaning, Definition, Utility of Jurisprudence
Meaning of jurisprudence The study of jurisprudence started with the Romans. The term Jurisprudence is derived from Latin word ‘Jurisprudentia‘…
How to write Lone (borrower money) Agreement between friends or faimaly members
Lone Agreement How to Lone Agreement This Loan Agreement (from now on referred to as the ‘ Agreement ) is…
Nuisance meanings | kinds of Nuisances (Tort)
★ Meaning : – ( 1 ) Public Nuisance: – It can be defined as an unreasonable interference with the…
Definition of Tort | Meaning of Tort | Nature of Tort | Nature and Definition
Meaning of Tort:- A tort is a branch of civil law. Tort is a French word and Tort is derived…
Type of Contract. | based on the validity or Enforceability.
Type of Contract. | based on the validity or Enforceability.
what is contract | Introduction of contract, meaning of contract | Esseatial of Contract
Introduction Indian Contract Act was enacted on 25 May 1872 and the word ‘ Contract ‘ has derived from the…
Copy Rights || Intellectual Property Right Act || Copy Right Act 957 || Types of Copy Right || Fair Dealing
Muslim law || Dower || Definition of Dower || Type of dower
Dower Introduction Definition of Dower (1) Special Dower: – Special dower is a fixed dower, it is paid by…